Sunday, December 27, 2009

Merry Christmas From Heaven

Christmas Ornament that I chose in honor of our Son Sterling.

Engraved on the front:
I love you all dearly
Now don't shed a tear
I'm spending my Christmas
With Jesus this year.

Engraved on the reverse:
Our Angel
Sterling Aether Schutte

Update..on our weekly "Sunday morning walk", August and I heard the bells ringing from the neighborhood church again. This time we were out walking an hour earilier, so I was sure that we wouldn't hear them. Yet we did. And what tune was gently ringing in the distance? "What Child is This". As August and I picked up our pace to walk to the church to hear and see the bells, I again felt as if Sterling was calling to us...this time I am sure he was saying "Merry Christmas to you mommy. And to my brother too! I'm playing this special song this day, to bring comfort and love to you!". We love you, Sterling. Thank you for such a wonderful gift.

1 comment:

  1. I am convinced that it's the signs that keep us going from one day to the next....
